This may come to a surprised to many (it was a huge surprise to my mom) I have never smoked pot. I have although been around people when they were smoking pot and have been offered pot before. But having the fear of my parents, mostly my dad, ingrained on me since a small child I always declined the joint, refusing to even touch the thing when having it offered to me.
My older brother on the other hand was not as afraid of my dad as I was and smoked pot at least once or twice. One day while my parents were out on the town I smell a familiar smell wafting through the house. My older brother lived in the cellar. It was an ideal place for any teenager to sleep. It was two rooms and you had to go outside to get to it. Often times when told to get my brother I would go over to the air vent that connected to his room and yell his name. It was through this very same air vent that the smoke of pot came up through the house. As I said, I had been around pot before so I recognized the smell. I walked into the kitchen to yell down at my brother that I knew what he was doing when I looked out the window and saw my parents car pull into the driveway.
A familiar sense of camaraderie kicked in and I ran out the backdoor down the stairs and burst into my brother's room.
"Brother, dad and mom are home and I can smell that (pointing to the wacky tobacky) upstairs"!
A look of dread crossed his bloodshot eyes as we both bolted out the cellar door, up the flight of stairs, through backdoor, and into the living room thinking we were going to run straight into my parents. By the grace of God they had stopped outside to admire their garden and had not made it into the house yet.
From there it is a blur. Things happened so fast that I really can't remember who did what and how we were lucky enough to get things accomplished how we did. I vaguely remember lighting a watermelon incense and running through the house with it. Windows got opened and like nothing had happened at all my brother was out the backdoor and I was sitting on the coach having just turned on the TV acting like nothing was out of the ordinary.
My parents walked into the house. My mom walked in and commented on the smell of the house. I was so nervous about the situation that the words she said are forever more burned into my head. She said, " Mmmm it smells so good in here. It smells fruity like watermelon and some kind of herb. I can't quite put my finger on it."
Memories of past events mom? That is a question that I will never have an answer for.
One of my really good friends lets call her Furry (I know weird nickname) has also not smoked before. I am not even sure if she has been around anyone who was smoking pot near her until this one time.... Some great stories start like that. This one time at a country concert she came into contact with some people who were smoking around her. She didn't even know what they were smoking. She kept telling her husband just how good it smelled. She also experience what some call a contact high and got to enjoy some of the consequences that go along with it (which are basically non existent at least in my experience). After enjoying the concert (I think you have to be high to enjoy a country concert but that is just my opinion) fuzzy head and all. She left and begged her husband to stop for some food at Taco Bell. Having scarfed that down she went home and enjoyed all of her chocolate in her fridge. I can't even imagine how much chocolate that is My Furry Friend believes that you should not go a day without consuming some type of chocolate. Because of this she has a year supply of chocolate (she is a very good Mormon and believes you should have a years supply of food. Chocolate was the very first thing she crossed off her list. Year Supply of Chocolate. Check).
The next morning she woke up and commented on being so hungry the night before. Her husband not being as naive as her just chuckled and told her the bad news. The "great smell" she smelled at the concert was pot. She was devastated. She immediately called me and asked if she had to talk to her church leader to confess her sins. I assured her that she did not need to confess anything. She was as guilty of smoking pot as she is of smoking cigarettes because she walked passed someone who was smoking as she was going into the grocery store. She then came to the conclusion that she had gotten a contact high just so that she could know what it was like. That she might be able to relate to other people or her children if they smoke pot.
Fast forward a couple years. I was out walking with my other friend lets call her JoJo. She was the young age of 33. I shared with her Furry's story. When I was finished JoJo turned to me and said
"I know nothing about pot. I only know things about marijuana." Why is it that me at the age of 25 had to then tell JoJo that there wasn't a difference between Pot and Marijuana.
I have had the privilege to "Teach" my friends lots of different things that I think is common knowledge. Remind me to tell you the time I had to tell my friend what a BJ was.
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